2 wheels!

Today has been a day of 2 wheels!

This morning we went to be big field next to our house so Charlie could try out his new bike and practise riding without stabilisers. I was wondering how I'd know when to let go but I did. After 10 mins he was cycling quite happily in a line across the field on his own and after 20 mins he was getting quite confident.

We were supposed to be meetings friends at a national trust for the afternoon and as we drove off all packed up the car did a strange lollop. We had a totally flat tyre. Fast forward 2 hours, lunch and nap for R (thank goodness the car was only stranded halfway down our street) and the RAC man put a plug in the puncture. Off to the tyre place for 2 new front tyres!

Poor C was quite upset to miss seeing his friends and I wasn't best pleased with the afternoon either but thankful it hadn 't happened yesterday.

We decided to do more 2 wheels cycling practise before a late tea and Charlie mastered cornering and braking before bedtime. he was so very pleased with himself and I'm proud of how quickly he has got it.

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