Sally Hart

By rosiecatwoman

Tragedy !!

I've only once in 18 months seen a Goldfinch in the shared Courtyard here.
7am Chavo appeared at catflap with one, very dead, in his mouth!. He presented it as a great gift, so I thanked him, wept and took photo's.

See the extra collage : Left, Chavo since the shaving disaster as reverted to kitten behaviour, sleeping on my bed all day. I guess, given Goldfinch he's OK, but still vulnerable.
Top right, very welcome rain this morning & Blackie enjoying a meal worm feast.
Bottom, Breakfast : I'm still enjoying my first  food -this cup of Kefir.
Tarkovsky season continues : Today 'The Mirror'. Glad it's happening on our first wet day for ages.
Enjoy your day dearies XX  

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