
Eight years ago I gave my pony, Nimbus, to H, a very good friend of mine.  Over the years she has always said I could come and see her, ride her, but I have always been reticent about it.  

Finally a couple of weeks ago I decided I would go over and we had a great time.  I don't really think Nimbus remembered me, perhaps she was just hiding her feelings!   She's very much the same as ever, a bit quieter and much more settled and happy than she was with me. Instead of being the boss horse with two Shetlands, she is now living with 5 others and is able to be more relaxed.  She has fitted in really well and it's great to see her so content.  

We had a super ride, H is great company and it was like I had never been away!  I enjoyed it so much that I went back again today!  Galloping over the hills in the drizzle is a lot more fun than it sounds!

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