
By earthdreamer

The Road to Silverdale

I've most definitely turned a corner. Although waking up in the morning was once again a slow and difficult process - after days in the office my body still demands more sleep than seems reasonable - once I got going there was a desire to get on with things that just hasn't been there in recent times. That said, I ended up doing none of those things that actually needed doing!

I was first invited for a run by A and surprised myself, and her, by saying yes, instinctively overriding my recent caution. She took me on a lovely route and it was great to be able to just follow a lead and chat away. The best news is that I only fell over the once all the way around! Towards the end I told her what a great route it was, to which she announced that it was I who first took her on that very circuit some twenty years ago! How time flies.

The clouds started to break at lunchtime promising to give way to a beautiful afternoon, which was a cue to take the bike out for a spin. Inertia took me further than intended, even into the fresh wind which was keeping the air beautifully clear. My route took me up the valley before turning off to Arncliffe and over the Malham moors before climbing Silverdale. I had just reached the head of Littondale at Halton Gill when a hero of mine (MH) magically appeared alongside me. I was reminded that we have a long-standing date to photograph his calf muscles on the bike. They stand up there with the very best in the pro peloton! 

It's a long while since I've had any company on the bike. It was quite a buzz to enjoy my second good natter of the day, while travelling at some speed, which those in the know will understand! We covered a lot of ground and then got on to our kids. We clocked that our youngest had both graduated this summer. When he told me that her degree was in Radio Production I had to ask where she studied, pretty sure of the answer. She went to the same place as Roam, same department, same graduation ceremony. We were both on the South Bank the other day! We were able to share memories of Sandi Toksvig's wonderful speech. Now, what are the chances?

Back in Ilkley in no time at all, I was quite glad when M turned off to cycle home on the back road, leaving me to twiddle up the hill at my own pace. All in all, it was a great confidence booster - and a day full of surprises.

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