Blueberry Season Is Here!

"Here" is Washington State and there are some interesting statistics for blueberries.  There are 175 growers, farming 10,000 acres of berries which in 2014 produced 90 million pounds of blueberries.  I went out this morning and grabbed some before the 90 degree weather hit.  They are so sweet its like eating candy!

Pacific Northwest Stadium AOG 2016 update:

I never would have guessed that the bad boys of the AOG2016 games in Pacific Northwest Stadium are apparently going to be the osprey.  It was thought to be a foregone conclusion that they would provide the most spectacular competitions and were favored to medal in several events.   They’ve been seen (and heard, I might add) diving and sounding in the evenings.  The officials now think it’s just complaining.
As impossible as it may sound, the team captain has voiced displeasure at the heat, the water levels and condition since there appears to be some algae lurking about, and he has threatened to take the team out of the games, crying foul loudly.  The water levels have dropped a bit but the officials are busy taking soundings in the lake and the estuary hoping to resolve the issue before the games begin. 
There is some speculation that the fuss is simply an attempt to divert attention to avoid embarrassment because the star osprey of the team recently (yesterday) announced that he is now a Vegan and won’t be eating any more fish.  Of course, there is a very real fear that other team members will follow suit and leave the team seriously depleted of diving talent.  We'll have to keep a close eye on this situation as it could drastically affect the games here.

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