Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry


We had a horrendous night! 4 wake ups, several periods of whimpering and I woke up on Henry's bedroom floor again. It's been almost a week since he stopped having milk overnight and I'm hoping soon he will start sleeping a bit better. I don't expect him to sleep through, but it would be nice if he slept for more than 3 hours in a row.

Work was supremely boring again - more induction, but I managed to get my ID badge and car parking permit sorted so am (almost) ready to start properly tomorrow. Just got a session on child protection in the morning then I've got to try and sleep in the afternoon.

Today's blip is Henry with his current favourite book which is about cats! We saw the neighbours cat earlier and he got really excited with lots of "KKKKA!", he's really trying to say cat! The near-constant babbling is very cute but I am looking forward to recognising proper words.

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