Janitzio Workers
I have decided that Isla de Janitzio is the most photogenic Patzcuaro destination so far. I base this on the fact that I shot over 300 photos during our five hour visit today, which I have managed to whittle down to slightly over 100 that I intend to keep (at least for a while). Needless to say, it was difficult selecting one to feature here. Do I pick one of my many butterfly-fishermen photos? Do I select one of the countless "street" views of the steep stairs and closely packed shops? Do I show the 40 meter tall statue of José Maria Morelos, stark-white against a deep-blue sky? In the end, I chose this shot of two sweeper women in traditional dress walking down one of the many sets of near vertical stairs that connect the boat landing with Morelos' statue. I love the strong contrast in colors as well as the leading lines - things I learned a long time ago in various photo classes but don't use nearly enough in my daily photography.
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