evening inspection

doing the rounds this evening to see what my family have been up to today, I was happy to see that it's all getting significantly tidier. We seemed to have passed the low point of utter chaos and are on the up again. One of the things that was most important to me was to get the scrap wood and metal sorted out so that they were out of the field. We've cleared it out now and the metal is ready to go, that means that it's safe to go through with the mower again without worrying that a bit of metal will suddenly fly up and attack. The old barn-floorboards are getting cut up for firewood, as they are totally untreated (apart from with cow-smell) they are fine to burn. The very neat woodpile to the right is beech wood, freshly chopped, that needs seasoning a few years before we can burn it.
Most of the walls in the children's new rooms are ready for painting now too. Only a week to go before the back to school deadline arrives - I have to be finished by then and it looks like I actually will be.
We only have the outside of the house to do and then this building phase will be over and we can concentrate on other things for a little while. I'm looking forward to that.

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