Protein bars...

Am second shooting a wedding tomorrow - will probably be out of the house for 12 hours and the primary shooter hasn't confirmed whether we are getting fed or not, so I'm going prepared! I made some quinoa protein bars to take - really simple and they taste amazing (although they are not really set enough yet, so I might stick them in the freezer overnight, so they survive they day without falling apart). 

I can't take credit for the recipe, I found it online... if you are interested, its 16 pitted dates, 1/3 cup quinoa, 2/3 cup water, 1/2 cup almonds (or other nut), 1/3 cup nut butter (I used a three nut butter), 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips and 1 tbl sp honey. 

-Rinse the quinoa, then cook with the water for about 15 mins (or according to pack), cool and chill for two hours (quinoa, not you!)
-pulse your dates in a food processor until they are basically mush
-pulse your almonds to a reasonably fine chop
-add dates back in, plus cold quinoa and nut butter, pulse until mixed well. 
-shape into bars (i did this by hand, but they may be better in a shallow tin, pressed, then cut when fully chilled).
-melt honey and chocolate and drizzle/spread over the top
-chill really well to harden, probably over night would be best, maybe even freeze.
-eat, but not all at once!

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