My visitor of today is this fly!
In the morning I did some gardenwork and wandered around to find a nice subject. There was a pretty butterfly, but as the weather was rather dark I could not get a good image of her.
I like my visitor sitting on a yellow, almost dead leaf.
In the afternoon it rained a bit, the sun came back for a moment, it still feels summer, and it should be, we only will waltz soon into the month of August.
In the month of August I will be hosting the Derelict Sunday Challenge, a new challenge for me!

My haiku:

If you fly away,
Dear Fly, come back to me soon
Love your bright colours

And the proverb:

Come with the wind, go with the water.

(Things ill-gotten, will be ill-spent)

1721 Kelly, 83  Lat. Male parta, male dilabuntur.

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