Breaking all the rules

You are going to have to excuse me for this shot, I didn't take it and it was taken yesterday. But I didn't get it until late last night so that's one of the rules and I couldn't not include it in my journal, and that's it in a nutshell.

Chloe is my god daughter, she is 21 and graduated yesterday with a degree in Business Studies from Brighton University. She was born at 28 weeks at a time when that was incredibly more challenging than it is today. She has had a lifetime so far of challenges as a result of this, her life is not an easy one to lead. Which is why this is so amazing and why we are all so very proud of her. Next stop, she needs to get a job. This for a person who when she was a few days old the doctors said she might in time be able to smile but not to expect anything else.

Moving on, Will has brought home a fabulous selection of cupcakes, Daisy was out all day. Four days of sloth and "relaxing" is enough for her to them start organising some social activities, predominantly pounding the streets of worthing in Pokemon hunting and sitting in Starbucks waiting for their phones to charge. And I have finished work for the week, I have done some very light camping trip preparation, I shall be right on it tomorrow morning.....,

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