Another visitor!!

A day time one for a change. Midmorning I saw him walking across the grass, he stopped when I went out to take a photograph, then wandered off. I think that the heavy rain that we have had over the past 24hrs has tempted him out.
We went over to Market Rasen as B had a dental appointment this morning. It’s a small market town, so whilst B was occupied I had a wander along the main street. The charity shops are always good for a browse. I picked up an almost new tapestry frame with one completed and another partially completed picture, all for £4!!
I’ll probably finish off the tapestry and put them back to the charity shop to resell. It’s the frame that is of interest to me.
I bought some bones as a treat for the girls. They wanted to bring them into the house to eat, but were quickly evicted and retired to their kennel to chomp in peace.

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