Whispering grass

Another grey day, started out very damp and drizzly, but after lunch it stopped and as promised eventually it brightened up, but not until after we got back from our walk!!!

Today's blip is a view across the farmers fields by The Harrow, an old fashioned typical pub of old.........never very busy. Great spot, could probably do with a face lift :-)

Didn't sleep that well last night....quiz was a tough one, winners only just over 100 points, which is unusual, needless to say we weren't in the top three!!! Not far off though ;-)

We went to the shop in the rain, got the paper, had a coffee back at home and basically faffed around waiting for the rain to move on!!
Crayfish sandwiches for lunch.

We managed to get out in the garden for a bit of dead heading for a while before we decided it dry enough for a walk. That took care of today's 10,000 plus steps ;-)

Once back home, the skies finally cleared, two,hours later than forecast :-/ so we did sit in the garden for half an hour, in the sun, with a glass of rosé before I went in to cook dinner.
Griddled steak, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes and potatoe rosti :-) followed by an M&S Creme Brule :-))))

Just sitting down to watch rugby, Wigan v Hull :-)

Have a good weekend everyone, hope the weather is kind!

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