Tea for Two

And the rarity of booze for me. 'Twas the night before holidays. We all know it well. It's when one member of the household runs around like a headless chicken making sure everything's packed and that the house is left just slightly more tidy than it's normal def con four "straight outta bed/ransacked" levels (because you know you will have the fun sucking task of kicking the arse out of 20 zillion loads of washing on your return and that, in addition to dealing with a return to your ransacked house, with a sprinkle of post holiday come down to boot, will push you over the edge). Well tonight's that night. So I avoided it completely and knocked back a couple of Vinos in an impromptu lady get together type thingy with Kim (she of several aforementioned bad influences) and Sharon , primary school pals and fellow keepers of the realm of middle aged lady dilemmas.

Much discussion ensued, from dealing with broken bicycle gears to online stalkers and all without losing your all important mojo. And on the journey home, reflections with my pal/taxi driver of the trials and tribulations of post 40 womanhood, mindfulness and all that jazz and not least the stealthy appearance of chin hairs. Really? What's that about. It's like you get a few months grace and then it's regular gorilla warfare on your face for your forties. I mean it's summer so its not even an evolutionarily necessity from a keeping warm stand point. Hail to the tweezer gods until the onset of baldness takes care of the problem or we are past caring. Meanwhile, there's that holiday packaging to oversee.....

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