Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Tamworth Castle

Today's journey took us to Tamworth Castle. We had a lovely day with friends visiting the beautiful enchanted castle with lots of fun and magical mysteries. The girls found fairies, saw naughty pixies and made a wish to place on a tree growing in a bedroom. There was a talking mirror, the wardrobe to Narnia and a lesson on being a Knight - which for the record I did not put myself forward to - lol! It made the kiddies smile even if I did feel daft :) The girls got to try different clothes on from armoury to attire for that era, they played games and talked to a talking set of drawers. It really was extremely magical and very creative for the children.

We then had a lovely picnic near the park and then the girls had a fantastic time playing together with their friends on the park.

A lovely evening meal with Nana T and Grandad Pete and then kiddies off to bed whilst I took Kylo for an evening stroll.

An absolutely fantabulous day, making great memories with friends and spending happy time with our girls.

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