Red Admiral

Over the last week or so I have had two parcels from Amazon. They were not addressed to me but they were delivered either through the door or left in the porch. After the 1st one arrived I tried to find the recipient in the phone book but to no avail. Then I phoned Amazon. They wanted my email address - I said I hadn't got one, I just wanted them to collect it from me - they couldn't because they needed my email address. I said I didn't have one so they told me to keep it . How could I do that ? Then the next one arrived - should I keep that one as well ? Well of course not. So today I jumped in the car & delivered them to the right person who was at home & who was very grateful. She had received emails on both occasions telling her that the parcel had been delivered & when she contacted Amazon they were adamant that they had been delivered ! Anyhow I now have her phone number  & if it ever happens again I can call her. 

We had quite a chat at the door; 
her house isn't the easiest to find & is located on the corner of two streets but neither of the streets feature in her address which is a bit odd. The house is part of a Terrace & is Georgian (built in 1805) It has a strange arrangement at the back of the house, she said, in as much as one of the upstairs bedrooms is over the downstairs rooms of the neighbour's house. (Its called a Flying Freehold) It has hardly any garden - just a small courtyard, but does have a garage which appears to be under the other neighbour's house. It certainly looked nice from the door though a bit of a busy location for me. She greeted me with a 2 month old babe in arms. ...

From there I came home to find a blip....but then another chore arose as I had to deliver Carol's friend Mary's birthday card - Had to get the sat nav out as I had no idea where she lived.

Home for lunch before spying this Red Admiral on a Butterfly bush. He wouldn't give me a full frontal but I quite like this shot ...

C is pruning & I am resting.

Cool dull morning.


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