Nelson at Runni

on our morning walk at Runni Spa in Iisalmi. 

This is a suspension bridge. Buddha and Nelson walked it by them selves both ways. Amadeus had to be carried the first time, but the second time he had build confidence to walk by himself. I love the expression on Nelson in this picture.

Runni is the name of the village by the Kiurujoki River. Runni comes from a Swedish word brunn which means spring/ fountain. Runni is a traditional landscape with great value in Iisalmi and it's also nationally significant cultural environment in Finland.

Doctor Emannuel Elfvenberg walked in the 1770s along the Kiurujoki River ( =Lark river). He met a shepherd who kept a flock of sheep. Elfvenberg wondered about the sheep feet that were cover in thick and opaque red-brown clay layer. Shepherd told him about the nearby inexhaustible fountain were sheep drank, but got their feet muddy.

More specifically Elfvenberg was told that the source of water had nothing short of miraculous healing effect. One of the fisherman's wife who lives in the cottage was very sick for a long time, but after drinking the water, she was healed. Another told a story of deaf and dumb, who had sunk into a deep sleep after drinking the water.  Couple of days later he wakes up hearing and speaking ability returned.

Source of water was investigated and found to be unusually iron-rich. At that time it was estimated it was better than foreign health mineral waters.

News traveled and people started to come to the miracle fountain. Health Spa was established 1904. Even Marshal Mannerheim (Finnish war hero and our 6th President)  has been to the fountain.

I had to get some iron water for myself too. See extra. There's the miracle fountain. The surrounding area is very pretty too. So it's a nice place to have a walk.

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