Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Shades of green

Went to Loweswater this morning and had a wander along a little known track.  Didn't meet anybody, just two sheep!   I was expecting sunshine but alas it was in very short supply but at least it was dry so can't complain.  

Misty had a nice surprise tonight as I'd arranged to meet up with the boxers and their owner for a run on the beach.  The dogs, not us!!  The tide was coming in so they had a great time.   Misty had her first encounter with motor bikes when we got back to the car.  There were four parked behind us and and revving and revving their engines and poor Misty was petrified and I couldn't get her in the car and had to tell them to just go!   I haven't seen her like this since I got her over two years ago.

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