Open House

It was my sister's annual barbeque today - a month or so later (or earlier) than usual which meant it was much quieter than usual as a lot of the people who would normally be there were on holiday.
However, this meant that it was easier to actually get round and have a proper conversation with more people.
As usual people brought way more food than they would eat so my sister's fridge will be full.
There were more young children than usual but they all got on great and the only tears were when one of the dogs one the tug of war with The Cygnet and my brother-in-law resulting in The Cygnet getting a fist in the face (my brother-in-law is a bad loser. LOL)...... A sausage put things right though and one of the others fell and cracked his face of a rock surrounding a flower bed. How it didn't leave a mark I will never know.
I was asked to take some pictures of No1 son and family as they have almost none of them altogether. Butterfly couldn't wait to get back to the action.
I am already looking forward to next years doo.

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