
Moondogs is a cafe
I go there for my lunch
They make great soya lattes
And food I love to munch
The cafe is also a gallery
Supporting artists from near by
I wonder what it would be like
If the hanging art was mine
So sat there writing postcards
I stared up at the wall
My photos will be up in October
Which ones tho...?
Well, that's your call...

I am super chuffed and very excited and also a lot nervous. My framed photos up on a wall for people to look at, judge and if I'm really really lucky, maybe one will sell... To be honest tho I don't care if any of them sell, they probably won't even get noticed by people sitting chatting with their tea and cakes. For me, just having them on the walls for the whole month of October is going to awesome enough!!

So, I wondered if those of you that had some time could tell me which of my photos you remember the most and think would look good framed up and put on the wall. I have no idea where to start so any help or advice would be very gratefully received. If it wasn't for Blip and all of you lovely people this wouldn't even be happening. Thank you :)

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