North Lake

Backpacking the easy way. Have a loyal friend take you up to the high end of the Columbia Gorge wilderness (okay, it is really called the Hatfield Wilderness after a Oregon Republican who seems mild and progressive now, but still did his share of environmental atrocities in his day). We bumped along a dirt road I won't go on again, and hiked to Mt. Defiance which has a great view of all the important mountains, and a bunch of ugly microwave towers. Then I took the backpack that was not too painful and walked one whole mile to North Lake. I set up in one of the four campsites, across from a male duo who refused to acknowledge my cheery hello. Like me, they probably wanted a pristine alone experience. Except I didn't really. Finding that my phone had reception I proceeded to call out to Charlie who had left me an hour ago, and Robert, back in the city. And then I tried to appreciate this beautiful lake, including under a full moon. However, I still don't know how to take a good moon shot, so you will have to imagine that.

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