
By DawnMH

Fate and Karma

I think it must have been Fate that took us to the forest earlier-than-normal for a Sunday morning.
Tara bounced about, and then caught wind of something and was off like a shot.
I whistled and she came back, but only as a courtesy and was off again…
Running along side her a tiny Yorkshire Terrier.
Could it be the one I’ve seen (Missing) posters of all week?
It was. We’d found her.  
Calls to the owner, tears and a happily reunited pack.
There is truly nothing nicer than helping someone, a stranger, and it made our day.

For me it’s Karma. - A few years back Tara was the lost one and we were demented at a wedding in Dorset, as the laid-back dog minder texted to say she’d lost her!
Our wonderful friends went searching in 35c with food and water and found her.

Today that came full circle.

Tara is officially the hero of the hour – and in my extra photo, reckons she is due a treat as reward. No surprise that she got one. ;)

Right. Back to Sunday pursuits now...

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