University Challenge
Before I start, could I go on record to say that I disapprove of "Extras" - the idea of posting more than one picture a day. If you can't summarise your day in one well-chosen shot, you need to take a long, hard look at yourself.
So, changing the subject completely, the new, double-decker, University Challenge-style staging at IndieTracks worked really well.
I was unable to persuade C to accompany me so I set off on my own after lunch. It turns out that the TT is reasonably economical on the motorway - 40mpg. But only on the 50mph, average speed checked section.
The festival was a delight. A small, friendly do situated in a railway museum. You start off walking a mile alongside the track to the venue, or wait for the shuttle train. I walked with a pair of seasoned veterans who gave me the low down (if you've brought your own beer, it has to be decanted out of glass bottles - even if it is alcohol-free). There were three stages - a main, trad festival outdoor stage, a large, indoor railway shed and a church made of corrugated iron, painted red.
There was a nice selection of food stalls, a real-ale bar (I was driving so confined myself to a series of cups of tea from the Vegan food stall (only downside was the almond "milk" but the tea was cheap and the bake wall tart was great and we had a discussion about whether I knew how hard it was to make a vegan cheesecake (I didn't (but the answer is "very"))).
Everyone was friendly, there were lots of kids and there was a great App which told your phone who was playing where and when.
Caught several bands - some of whom I had heard and some of whom I hadn't. Flowers were good. The Lovely Eggs less so.
Bearsuit played the second and final part of their brief comeback (after Ramsgate two weeks ago) and were wonderful again. Lisa (centre of picture) was playing on her "due date". could have been interesting. Emma Pollock was really good - such a great voice and melodies. Saint Etienne headlined and were good without being amazing.
I bought a couple of Bearsuit singles to add to my collection and a canvas record bag from 2013's festival (cheaper than the current model).
Afterwards I caught the train back to the car park and drove home.
Might be a good plan to put this in next year's diary - we could camp and take in the whole weekend. We could take in the next-door Forklift National Heritage Centre as well.
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