Curried Corn Chowder
All of the ingredients for our Sunday lunch, except for 8oz of sour cream, 1Tablespoon of curry powder and 1Tablespoon of minced fresh ginger came from our weekly farm share box. It was delicious. If you don't fancy curry and ginger, you can omit them and use whole milk instead of sour cream. Along with fresh yellow tomatoes and naan, it was delicious.
Basic Corn Chowder, a recipe from Mark Bittman, NYTimes.
For the record,
This day came in with cooler temperatures but elevated humidity and dark skies. Not enough rain to really speak of!
All hands healthy
This evening I'm going to calling hours for the 92 year old dad of another of my childhood friends. He died at home, never having to go to a nursing home. His daughter Jane was also a lifelong friend of Deborah, who died last week.
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