Have Some Coffee!

She's bonkers, I tell you, absolutely nutty! It doesn't show at all until she gets just enough coffee in her, and then she just can't stop pouring! We love her, though, she makes us laugh and I really don't think she's any nuttier than her sister. Really, they're both very serious at heart, but once in awhile....

This is DebbieS, my sis, and you see those bubbles in her blip? There I am inside...and where was she??? Inside a bubble with me? No-o-o-o, she was behind her camera. But I want you to know she has told me that next year she will be IN the bubbles with me (well, in her own bubble anyway). I'd like you to hold her to that with me. grammapat can catch it on blip and we will just bounce and giggle, but there will be absolutely NO coffee that day!

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