
Not really, we'll come back to that later.

Up and out early after Rosie's tense first night sleeping in a tent and a fine BBQ breakfast. We went to Reculver which is a tiny place with a Roman fort with a fine walk to the east and to the west (we did both) and a pub for light refreshments including cockles and dressed crab. We thought we would continue a tour of north Kent seaside towns in search for actual lunch, unfortunately the rest of north Kent had the same idea. We had a fine drive that took me back in places to my childhood of a two car envoy. My favourite was when we drove round a round about 4 times, apparently Simon had lost me.

We gave up on all this after a while and returned to a particularly nice pub just by the campsite. Then we came back to start the fishing adventure. The main problem with the fishing adventures is that boys assume they can just do stuff straight off, refuse to listen to helpful suggestions and then get cross when there are hiccups. ( and no fish).

And Rosie has started barking furiously at everyone who walks past our camp. We are like tinkers with a dog on a rope.

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