Finlayson Art Area

My activation therapeutic (my hubby) left to the movies today with our son. Jason Bourne or whatever action movie was called... our daughter was Pokemon hunting with her boyfriend.

So I had few hours on my own and left into city centre. Idea was o visit museum centre Vapriikki, but a strong thunderstorm bursted out and so I hided into an old factory and accidentally found an art gallery in Finlayson area.

There is Samuli Heimonen's art in the blip.

I also happened to meet a nice couple from Belgium. Luc and Anki. Escorted them into Milavida to see more about Tampere's history. It was nice to chat with them.

A sweaty day again, even if it has not been too hot. But a huge humidity there was. I guess, some finns have begun to wait for cooler days. I am not sure what I'd like. But evenings are getting darker again.


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