Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The Six Fs ...

... that make for a perfect day: family, friends, food, felines, flatpacks and photography. If you get my phonetic drift. 

Ms P came over and we literally spent the whole day yakking, initially over a cappuccino in the Lightbox cafe, then in the garden in the sun with various foods. Early evening saw us assembling IKEA flatpack armchairs. Always a source of amusement. At one point Ms P muttered the immortal words "I'm laughing so much I think I'm going to wet myself".  It had a touch of the Jerome K Jeromes about it, a typically genteel low-key English farce.

The aim of all this by the way is to turn our front room into a TV-less snug, a place for talking, chilling, reading and drinking, for open fires in winter and sitting in the early morning sun that comes through the East facing bay window all year 'round. 

I did envy Ms P her Fuji XT1, it felt great in the hand and has controls very similar to my LX-100, only bigger and with interchangeable lenses. Maybe one day ...

Excellent day, Back to work tomorrow ... 

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