27 The Parade

Today's the day .......................... to walk down Memory Lane

I lived in Cardiff between the ages of 7 and 14 - when my Dad was Manager of the Boots the Chemist shop in the City Centre.  And this fine building was Cardiff High School for Girls where I was a pupil for four years.

I went on a bit of a 'walk down Memory Lane'  today with Andrea - my best friend from those days.  Between us we have many memories of my time at Cardiff High - and she could keep me right on what happened, where.  It's now a long time since those days, I have to say.

Cardiff High School for Girls ceased to exist as an entity in 1970 and is now part of a larger amalgamation of three schools into a Comprehensive Secondary School on a site out of the city centre.  This building is now used as part of a college.

End of an era ........................!

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