Maywick on a Dull Day

Not much of a day, it started ok and even thought the clouds were going to clear, but then the showers came in.  

Last day of my holidays and back to work tomorrow, sure that'll be a shock!  Up early and out with Sammy for a walk, stayed fairly dry too :)  Popped along friends for a cuppa and then down to the Cornerstone for lunch.  This afternoon I went down to see granny.  She was happy to see me and plenty of questions about the holiday.  After seeing granny, I popped along bro Jonny and family, great to see the bairns again.  Back to work in the pub tonight, hopefully a quiet night to break me back in :) 

On my way to Jonny's, I popped in by Maywick to take Sammy for a walk.  We didn't get far, as some heavy showers came in.  Always saddens me to see mam's old in ruins, especially now with the roof fallen in.  I do love it here and lots of family memories of Maywick, picnics and beach walks :)  

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