Raindrops in Heaven

Or 'Raindrops on Earth' - but then that wouldn't fit with the rather lovely piece of music that I came across! Anyway, the gardens I was walking through did look quite heavenly today! There was a lovely display of colour in the walled garden - it was overflowing with flowers in a beautifully random, cottage garden kind of way. 

The rain had arrived an hour or so earlier than was forecast, so my camera and I both had to wear jackets! I got the occasional bemused look, as I stood there with my tripod, making adjustment under the camera's rain hood, my hair looking more and more bedraggled, rather than heading for shelter like all the sensible people..... it was really only a light drizzle! Anyway, it made the plants look very pretty and I thought it would be good to blip something nice and colourful today!

Looks best against the black background!

Many thanks for everything for yesterday!

Ann :))

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