How Does Your Garden Grow

So, in an effort to be more pro-active; this evening after dinner we drew ourselves together and attacked the garden. 

When I say Attacked, I dragged the lawn mower around to the front garden, and just as I was about to start, my neighbour across the road came and said "Can I please cut your grass".    

Me, "I'll need to think about... Yes, please". 

She's a gardener and she needed to test a repair - and being far more organised her garden and those of the neighbours on both sides were cut short.  Ours was the obvious choice for testing.  I should really have said, "I can only allow you to cut the front if you cut the back to make it look the same :-) 

That would have been awfully cheeky, but would have saved my back.

So between us, we mowered, strimmed, (and had to change the strimmer 5 times, buzzsawed the hedges, and pulled up about 1 gallon of wild mint. 

And then the midgies decended and we ran in. 

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