Still Smiling

Dd at the end of the first day of her new course here in Barcelona. A year and one day ago she broke her foot that made last summer very different from usual. Today, we invested in a taxi to get her safely to the door of the school with all the extra things she needed to carry in, including the yours-truly made smoothie and packed lunch. I did another day of detailed work to clarify what invoices are pending preparation after this latest busy period. It's not helped by the school having different rules about when to invoice and in what batches and at different fees for different courses. I also double checked that whoever was due to receive the dictated notes of their sessions had indeed received them! All counted out! Duty called at the local authority to investigate the licence position of the threatened new block of flats at the end of the street with an ancillary matter to check if a tourist apartment has a licence for the number of people who regularly turn up at its door. Then a great call, long with my nephew in Hong Kong before a trip to Ikea for bedding for our upcoming series of Airbnb guests and a subsequent rapid transition at 6 pm up to the school for a coaching session which may lead to some private work. I dredged up all my semi-retired driver's knowledge of the road system to get across town and deliver myself just in time. Twas always thus!

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