
By Happyframe

Sunny Iona

Our holiday on Mull has not disappointed so far.

Yesterday we celebrated our Ruby wedding anniversary here, a lovely day of cycling and walking around the locality.  We were climbing a hill heading for Uisken beach on the bikes, well, Howard was waiting at the top and I was panting my way up with a campavan waiting in a passing place for me.  I struggled up too embarrassed to dismount and as I got level with the American driver she said smiling, 'Good jarrrb!' whilst her partner in the passenger seat sat fist pumping me!  I thanked them and scuttled off thankfully downhill!

Today we caught the ferry over to Iona it was sooo sunny and the views and beaches were amazing!
We enjoyed some of the best mussels we've ever eaten swilled down with beer and cider before heading back to Mull and the cottage. We went down to the rocks for an evening stroll and spotted a group of seals watching us watching them in the sunshine (despite the fact it was now 8.30pm)
Back to base to watch a stunning sunset.
What a day!

Thank you so much for all of the lovely comments from yesterday x

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