
By Skyroad

Paddy's Pet Shop

Beautiful evening, the sky a slow burn from gold to tangerine to red.

Before leaving the IWC in Parnell Square (where I had given a poetry workshop), the staff let me take some shots out their office window on the top floor: an extraordinary view over the city towards the Wicklow and Dublin Mountains. THE MILLENNIUM SPIRE (also known as The Spike, The Stiletto In The Ghetto or The Milligan) is clearly visible.

Walking towards the car, I stopped again, struck by the nearly full moon and the deep redness of the Georgian brick. I took this shot outside the Municipal Gallery, near THE WALKING WOMAN installation.

I called in to Paddy's Pet shop on Parnell St. to visit the owner, Liam and leave in some prints from my last visit.They were happy to let me take some more shots, mainly of the star of the show, a new arrival I call Flash McCaw.

Here's some of the pix I too :

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