Oh My Days!

By lovelupins17

Cap'n Cambridge....

I'm trying to take a walk every day to keep my steps up, even though I don't have Chino at the mo.  As it happens, I cover the same ground in half the time... I'm clearly not aware of the smells that Chino is.
Anyway, along the canal and top of the 5 Rise Locks in Bingers, I came across this very cheery skipper, I really loved his hat :))) He was shuffling his narrowboat into the top lock, alongside another narrowboat and then they'd travel down all the locks together... no racing or overtaking on the canal! 
He was from Cambridge... and said how beautiful it was around here and how flat it was where he lived.... Well... hot on the tail of Yorkshire day and still in bragging mode.....I told him all about it... and welly wanging... and ferret racing.... and flat cap wafting..... 
You can see he looks quite bemused doesn't he bless him.

Good Lupes = Tai Chi, cuppa tea, early night....
Bad Lupes = Pizza, wine and a film.....

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