Edinburgh: Day 3

Aren't blip meets just wonderful! LadyG and I were invited for lunch by LadyMarchmont....A Lady today and a Princess tomorrow...I'm moving in high circles now. We had such a lovely time and a delicious lunch too...thank you J. 

We all decided to go for the group shot....cameras were set up, eventually and timers were deployed, eventually. We were up and down and swapping places and missing the timings and the results were hilarious...especially LadyGs . As we were laughing and squashing up on the sofa Archie sat and posed beautifully, patiently showing his best side as we guffawed and took shot after shot. It was a lovely afternoon.

We had a mooch along the Royal Mile again and took sneaky shots of people passing by....such fun. Then we had our hands painted with a henna design. It was another delightful day.

There are a few shots here if you fancy a gander :)

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