Two dinosaurs dancing ...

Is what mum saw in the bathbomb. We all sat ad watched it :-D and it lived up to expectations afterwards the water went blue glittery and Dad is now reluctantly getting in it after me hahaha. We went shopping today and I spent a loott of money. I don't usually like shopping or spend a lot but I had birthday money. We took my phone in for repairs and then went to urban outfitters where I eye dup potential cactus bedding, Then we went to hnm and I bought a lot of green and black things to wear and a glass nail file as its supposed to be better for your nails. I also saw my college teacher but hopefully he didn't see me. We had a starbucks and I got the s'more drink which I've wanted for ages and it was nice me and charlotte also shared a cheesecake muffin. Then I had been eyeing up a pair of nike roshes and managed to find them for 40£ rather than £70 as they had been online yay! Then at primark I got a holographic t-shirt and mum bought a rose gold rucksack which charlotte is coveting. We ate a pasty on the way to Waterstones and chose some holiday books. A woman pushed in the queue and me and charlotte looked at each other and scoffed. The woman saw and served us first which was funny. We were back to our usual selves though and argued on the way home. Watched the child genius final we wanted Saffy to win.

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