A Day Of Two Halves

Well, of sorts.

The first part of the day was very summer-y. There was warmth, sunshine, blue skies & fluffy white clouds. So, upon seeing this, we grab the hound, pile into the car and head to the beach.

Three quarters of the way there, it starts raining. It doesn't bother us though, we have spent worse days weather wise at the beach. I was a little concerned for Caitlin's friend Amy though. She has the most marvellous turquoise coloured hair. It really is gorgeous. It also has a tendency to run when it's wet making her look a little Smurf-like. She didn't turn Smurf though as the rain stopped just as we parked up and the sun peeked it's head out again and we spent a couple of fun hours paddling and having a laugh. Arwen wore her swimming cossie and waded out, she also splashed through a few of the lake like pools that had been left as the tide was right out. Of course, it started raining again just as we were leaving.

Anyway, this is her kicking up some water :D

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