Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

It is always good to check what you've got before what ever project one is going to do instead of just buying new as I almost did. An inventory of my boxes with sewing stuff revealed that I have zippers and buttons for almost all of my projects. :) No need to buy new stuff just yet. A long time ago I also planned to make a bag out of an old pair of jeans. When I was cleaning I put the fabric away on a 'good place' and it took some time before I found that 'good place' again. I also found a perfect fabric to line the bag with and a pair of things I don't know the name for but, they're in the bottom photo just below the long blue zipper... :) I found buttons I'd planned for old project that didn't happen... but, who know, I might need them another time. :)
Yesterday I was so distracted that when I went to make a new cup of tea I brought the tea-strainer, the tea cup and my computer keyboard... Halfway to the kitchen I realized I had something with me I really didn't need for making tea... Made me giggle though. :D 

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