Well...what a day....

....it has been.  You see, it's my birthday!  I've been thoroughly spoilt and it's been lovely.  Nice breakfast, lots of cards.  Then a trip to Dulverton, coffee in Tantivy, a wander round taking in their lovely secondhand bookshop.  Met a great Dutch couple by the kinetic sculpture that has been installed in the Mill Leat.  He explained it all to me (hmmmm, not sure I really understood it) and we discussed Brexit and Europe.  He had a great sense of humour.

Then was treated to a delicious lunch at Woods by R.  Anyone around here knows that it's always delicious and it was.  Bit more wandering and a visit to my favourite shop there called Number 7.  One or two things I didn't resist....  Then back via Watchet to get some supper from the new Deli there and home just as S turned up.  More cards and spoiling.  A girl could get used to this!  Oh, and did I mention the great chap I met by the car Park pay machine.  Such a delightful elderly gentleman of 86 and we had a good chat.  Tomorrow it's back to normal........

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