
Oh Oh Oh You went and put me on the 2nd "popular" page.
Tussock Hugs all round
((((...))))   Ahhhhh!

There is a bit of a problem with this title as this word is a reserved word.
The Boss first encountered the concept of a “reserved word” when he started writing computer programs about 30 odd years ago. A reserved word was one that was associated with an specific action, so you couldn’t use it in another concept.

So why is this a reserved word?  Well you would kno that if you were around our place late at night when I go outside for the last time.…Right?…

Anyway there is still a lot of water laying about. Errr nothing to do with the above…

Oh and The Boss’s Seniornet presentation on AppleTV was sorta a riot as he ended the session by playing tennis in front of the screen with someone on the screen (There’s an App for that) and at one time was chasing the ball with the remote clutched in his hand (thats what you use as a racket) and nearly demolished the sound system which was on the floor behind him.

Hilarity all round.
Pawscript.  As I type this the above mentioned gismo is running a screen saver by slowly travelling up the Thames River through the London business district at night and Diana Karll is singing in the bachground. 
No its not classical….BUT it is fun.


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