Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

And another...

Yup, another fantastic day for Team GB. You have to savour it while you can, don't you?

After a rather full on day, I wandered down to the Cathedral Close where the giant screen is that's streaming the Olympics to the good folk of Winchester. Lots of people down there enjoying fantastic action in the velodrome. And the late afternoon sunshine. This is the women's keirin (I think, though correct me if I'm wrong). And do you realise we're now 3rd in the medal table, behind only China and the USA?? I know we're supposed to be high minded and not care too much about things like that, but it's bloody brilliant, isn't it!!!

Have a good evening and a great weekend!

Thanks to everyone who commented on yesterday's story. I was quite touched that so many of you remembered the incident and all said such lovely things..

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