Willow warbler

Well I think this is a Willow Warbler rather than a Chiffchaff but they are difficult to tell apart but this one certainly looked like it has pale legs. I was surprised to see that it is ringed as the ones that I took photographs of yesterday did nt have any rings so there must be quite a few visiting. The one I looked after yesterday was much paler and almost brown so wonder if that was a young one. There are chiffchaffs around as I've heard the singing as well as the willow warblers.
We've had a few birds recently that are ringed including chaffinches, greenfinches and siskins.
Off to Kent tomorrow with a few stops to see friends and family before we get there. The weather looks like it will be hot and sunny. Hopefully I'll be able to blip while I'm away.
Take a look at the Beechgrove Garden if you can as they visit a super garden in Kilmuir not far from us :)

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