
Two hours to get there from Exeter by bus, obviously two hours to get back.  In-between, though, it was a smashingly sunny day!  We had a bite to eat and then a rowboat trip to the castle but we walked back to town to enjoy the view a little longer.  Of course, I took loads of shots.  My pano is really not doing what it is supposed to do, but nevertheless, one good pano is worth a little reward, so please see the extra.  This shot above shows the main town, and the pano shows the other side of town which is across the river.

The buses are a little too low for hubby, at least the upper deck, which we've had to choose as the lower deck was often full, and the seats haven't been comfortable for either hubby, who is too tall, or for the Ellaphant, who is too short.  On the way to Dartmouth, I ended up napping 3/4 of the time but was mostly awake on the way back.  Dinner later at the same restaurant as yesterday evening -- the food was really good.

No time right now to reply to yesterday's comments, hopefully later.  So far everything going well and I look forward to seeing MadHen this weekend, and now it appears CleanSteve and Woodpeckers might be meeting up, too!  Must fix that, though, as they've got a busy schedule themselves.

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