
By DawnAgain

Wandering hand

Op over and done with and all seems well. I was first on the list and when I came round from the anaesthetic it was still only 9.30am.

Although not a religious person, there's something comforting about the Catholic iconography around the hospital. I was in St Stephen's room (it was nice of him to let me use it). With time on my hands afterwards and intrigued by the reference to his right hand, I did a bit of research and found that the hand is a bit of a celebrity in Hungary and once a year it processes around Budapest. The only thing is, the mummified hand might not actually be St Stephen's. DNA analysis could potentially solve this but I can understand the reluctance of the Church to pursue this line of enquiry. And if it's not St Stephen's, then whose hand is it?

More on the mystery here, if of interest.

So home again now and it's feet up for me while Nurse MrDawnAgain attends to my needs. Mwahahaha!

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