Strike that. Reverse it!


Day 216 - Meet Hulk!

My first day off with the boys and a trip to Canon Hall. Had a fantastic day as per usual. The boys loved the new hamster races the best. Everytime we go they've introduced a something new for the kids which is great. We watched the sheep races, ferret races and the hamster races. Typical the pink hamster (obv had to be mine) chose to go to sleep rather than run which the boys found highly amusing :0)

They also had a birds of prey show. I managed to get a few ok photographs. Bearing in mind I had a 4 year old climbing all over me whilst attempting to take them. This is Hulk, we were assured he was a softie but I'm not sure I'll be getting close enough to test it! I couldnt decide between this one or this or this one!

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