Killerton Estate, Broadclyst, Exeter

First on the agenda today was for hubby to buy himself a spring coat at M&S, which he did.  All he'd always had was a heavy leather jacket, which is always a good thing to have, but which was just too heavy for this weather, and we have been having really good weather.

Next was yet another walk around the city centre here in Exeter, where we discovered Rougemont, Exeter Castle ... or, at least, what is left of it.

Then off to the Killerton Estate where I had one slice of a gorgeous coffee mocha cake and hubby had some cider.  We spent almost 4 hours exploring, first the house, which didn't take too long, and then the gardens and grounds, where a third of the time was spent just sitting, admiring the view, discussing various things -- old age, our aches and pains, some disappointments and several triumphs, and a scattering of politics, but mostly just having a lot of good laughs.  This was shot during our walk.  I did take a lot of tree shots because I want to use them for my genealogy project.

Looking forward to meeting Mad Hen tomorrow ... I believe a lot of fun is in store for the next 4 days!

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