We're here!!

Most of the day spent traveling down to the Gower for a long weekend camping with friends. The dogs always go berserk when we pull up and Mike goes to check in!!

Dave, Bex, Max and Oscar already here and the others (Neil, Helen, Jo and Stu) arrive tomorrow. Campsite started filling up in the evening- we had to defend our little spot to leave space for the others tomorrow using Toby's tennis net and strategically placed chairs. We got some evil looks so in the end we put a nice sign up explaining why we were taking up so much room!! Toby was hilarious kept moving people on and telling them where they could put their tents!! I bet we come back tomorrow from the beach and find some stranger camped on our doorstep!!

The boys played, we walked the dogs, drank wine and sat up late star gazing. I saw three shooting stars and missed many more!! Just amazing. It's so dark here. The more I watched the sky the more stars that appeared.

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