With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


is something I can't do. But I did find that sometimes I am in the mood for female company. Amongst a bit of packing, we got to the Port for coffee, had another look at my favourite boat (she did 16 knots in a force 11 yesterday apparently, but I can't post a shot of her because she must look so magnificent under sail, it's not worth an attempt in port) and ducked from the full heat of the sun as much as possible.

I got some Gambas de Soller from the fish shop in the Port. They are exquisite. And I noticed a new sculpture of one is up on the roundabout as you enter the town by someone called Toful. I must find out more.

So girls in tow, the undefeatable cheese souffle survived the oven going out and meanwhile the local fiesta of Estiradors is straining the night of peace. We had a quick look with the dogs before they all went off. Suc has gone for a holiday, and little Agu and I are left for one last night before our journey to the U.K. tomorrow afternoon. We'd soaked up some rays and had a last swim so we can show you all our tans from beneath three layers when we arrive. Thanks T and C for a lovely evening.

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